Goto's Group [AIST]

Masataka Goto: Head of CrestMuse's sub-project "Music Interfaces based on Audio Analysis and Manipulation"
Dr. Goto is the Leader of the Media Interaction Group at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. He serves concurrently as a Visiting Professor of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, an Associate Professor (Cooperative Graduate School Program) of the University of Tsukuba, and a Project Manager of the MITOH Program (the Exploratory IT Human Resources Project) Youth devision by the IPA. Over the past 18 years, he received 25 awards, including the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of MEXT "Young Scientists' Prize", DoCoMo Mobile Science Awards "Excellence Award in Fundamental Science", IPSJ Nagao Special Researcher Award, and IPSJ Best Paper Award.

Hiromasa Fujihara: Research Scientist
Hiromasa Fujihara is currently working as a Research Scientist at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. He received his Master's Degree from the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan.
Kazutaka Kurihara: Research Scientist
He is currently working as a research scientist at AIST. He completed his PhD studies in March 2007 at the University of Tokyo.
His doctoral dissertation deals with flexibilities of presentation software tools.
Kazuyoshi Yoshii: Research Scientist
He received the Ph.D. degree in Informatics in 2008 from Kyoto University, Japan. He received nine awards including the IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award. He is currently a Research Scientist of AIST. He is pursuing effective ways to enhance music experiences regarding retrieval, appreciation, creation, and release by developing a computer that is capable of understanding music.
Tomoyasu Nakano: Research Scientist
Tomoyasu Nakano is currently working as a Research Scientist at AIST. He completed his PhD studies in March 2008 at University of Tsukuba. His doctoral dissertation deals with music information processing systems that utilize the singing voice.
Matthias Mauch: Post-Doctoral Research Scientist
Matthias Mauch is currently a post-doctoral research scientist at AIST within the CrestMuse project. He received a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of London (2010) on the subject of automatic transcription of chord symbols from audio recordings. He has also published papers on structural segmentation, harpsichord temperament estimation, analysis of chord sequences and, most recently, lyrics-to-audio alignment.
Takeshi Saitou: Former AIST Post-Doctoral Research Scientist (Currently Assistant Professor at Kanazawa University)
Takeshi Saitou is an assistant professor at the Kanazawa University College of Science and Engineering. He completed his PhD studies in March 2006 at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). His doctoral dissertation deals with singing voice perception and synthesis.

Former Members

You Ichiji: Former Member (Post-Doctoral Research Member during 2009/8-2010/3)

Elias Pampalk: Former Member (Post-Doctoral Research Scientist during 2006/4-2007/4)
Elias Pampalk is currently working as a post-doctoral research scientist at AIST within the CrestMuse project on new user interfaces to music collections supervised by Masataka Goto. He completed his PhD studies in March 2006 at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria. His doctoral dissertation deals with computational models of music similarity and their application in music information retrieval.